

About Us – Who We Are

What we do:

- record concerts, conferences, spiritual retreats, homilies and meetings

- produce audio books

- produce radio and TV materials

- record music (church choirs, bands and solo singers)

- produce audio for video materials

- digitalize (record and edit) archived audio and video (VHS) content

- produce films and music videos

- create aerial photographs

- create catechetical materials

- prepare promotional materials for publishing houses.


Current projects:

Katoflix.pl  - VOD platform with christians movies content

Audinos.pl - audio streaming platform with christians audio content: retreats, podcasts and audiobooks

Katolik.tv - recording studio

Katolik.pl - news portal 


Contact information:
Studio Katolik 
ul. Siostry Faustyny 17
30-608 Kraków
tel. (+48) 12-445-33-77,  (+48) 12-445-33-44
NIP: 679-30-53-720
Leszek Szura SDS
e-mail: katolik(małpka)katolik.pl
tel.  (+48) 12-445-33-77,  (+48) 12-445-33-44
Recording studio:
e-mail: studio(małpka)katolik.tv
tel. (+48) 12-445-33-77,  (+48) 12-445-33-44
Film production, video editing:
Maciej Dunin-Borkowski
e-mail: tv(małpka)katolik.tv
tel. (+48) 12-445-33-77,  (+48) 12-445-33-44
Editorial director of Katolik.pl:
Anna Teler
e-mail: redakcja(małpka)katolik.pl
tel.  (+48) 12-445-33-77,  (+48) 12-445-33-44
Getting there:

Our multimedia Studio Katolik was inspired by Father Francis Mary of the Cross, Founder of the Society of the Divine Savior (known as Salvatorians), who desired to make Jesus, the Savior of the world, known and loved by every person. Fr. Francis Jordan wanted to use all available and appropriate means of preaching the Good News to as many people as possible. This humble and poor Catholic Priest became not only an outstanding evangelizer, but also a forerunner of the Church’s teaching on mass media. In his times (19th/20th century) he strongly believed that every possible and proper avenue can be used to reach every person without exceptions, and to preach the message of Our Savior.

Mass media are not only the means for spreading the Gospel, but also the “place” to evangelize. As Studio Katolik we want to fulfill the evangelizing ideas of Father Jordan on the internet and through the internet; as well as via studio and live recordings, production and promotion of audio materials and films.

We are open to new initiatives and collaborations with those who want to make God known and loved by others.

We have a professionally furnished studio, where we record and produce film materials. Our staff members are professionals who are passionately involved in our work and mission.





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